Recap Session of Angel Finance Ama held at CryptoMansion

Crypto Mansion
6 min readMay 31, 2021


Held on 30 May 2021–8PM UTC

Held at our telegram channel — CryptoMansion (

Hello All, We have recently hosted a ama session with Angel Finance. the team was attended for the ama session. They shared a lot about the project in Details and many information about their project. Read out more about the project.


Host: Question 1. Can you give us a brief introduction to the Angel Finance project? What protocols have you developed and what is your role in the project?

Bryan: Angel Finance is essentially a platform where retail investors can acquire stakes in new projects(mostly crypto projects) through liquidity pools and smart contracts. People want to be early into projects these days, but may not know which projects to get into or trust. we would essentially take that process out for them and get the projects, advice them and out them on a platform to be invested in early.

To aid this running smoothly we would be making our own DEX. a lite one, for users to easily swap between whatever assets they want to interact with on the platform.

There will also be an angel fund, to help out with relief and aid, like charities and to fund creatives who have no money to work or bring their project ideas to life.

Host: Question 2. Angel Finance is a retail investment platform. How will you democratize investment at all levels regardless of the amount of capital of each user?

Bryan: essentially, to participate in the launchpad offerings, you have to be an ANGEL holder. and your maximum investment cap would be based on how much ANGEL you hold. But even with those criteria. there will be a maximum cap over. so the scale doesn’t tip in an unfair manner. Because we want to make the process fair.

We will publish a detailed pitch on the medium in the following weeks.

Host: Question 3. Angel Finance will soon be on #BinanceSmartChain? How do you think this blockchain will help improve your retail investment model?

Bryan: it helps out with the biggest issues in the space rn. TX speed & high fees. and going off the idea that we wanted to give retail investors the chance at making. angel investments again in a cost effective manner, BSC was the next alternative.

Host: Question 4. Angel Finance uses PancakeSwap as its native token trading platform. In the future, will you list your token on other DEX or CEX? What can you tell us about this?

Bryan: yes, we are just currently tightening up the audit, marketing & branding aspects. so we have everything moving forward. To proceed with true platform and other CEX & DEX listings. It is in the plans

Host: Question 5. Finally, what are Angel Finance’s plans for this year, do you have a roadmap you can share with us?

Bryan: yes, there is a roadmap. on our website.

but i will copy it here as well

includes the platforms, certain nft sales and outreach

• Initial Liquidity/Listing
• Liquidity / Supply locks
• Smart contract audit
• CoinGecko & CoinMarketCap listing
• Reach out to charities & funds for donations & collaborations in Q3
• Platform Launch
• Angel Swap Beta launch
• NFT release & sale, of promo and Angel Finance concept images to creative community activity (50% of the proceeds from sales go to charity fund, the other 50% goes to the artist)
• First launchpad listing
• Angel Governance DAO
• First charity donation
• Review of first launchpad listing & charity donation to improve methods towards the next one.
• Upgrades on website, platform and methods, from Q2 review. (more plans and ideas will come into play depending on how Q2 plays out.)
• Exchange listings
• Collaborations with other projects to expand community & possibilities


Q1: What will the NFT collection be inspired by? Will it be related to the charity to which 50% of the proceeds from the sale will go?

Bryan: want to make it two parts, the first part will be all the promo stuff that was designed from scratch for angel finance (like the images in our medium post). we would like to use the sales to support the artist(s) that did created them for us, while also giving a piece to the fund. (of course this will be discussed and agreed on with them ) the other part will be a bit random concept NFTs from artists who down to aid the cause.

but now that you asked, we might make some of it related to the charities or causes we chose to support. brings it all together in a good way.

Q2: Hackers and Scammers are getting active lately and security becomes a major issue for the investors. Can you please give some information about the security system of Angel Finance and the audit?

Bryan: our contract is currently being audited by solidity finance. but on our end we’ve taken steps with the dev to ensure the code is safe for what we need. and have done some tests.

audit results should be out today/tomorrow

Q3: Liquidity, Transaction fees and slippage are always important factors in Finance services. How does #AngelFinance solve the above problem to attract users?

Bryan: you can definitely trade/interact with ANGEL with low slippage(1% is okay). the tax is just a rebase feature, which rewards holders. The high slippage stuff more than reward holders, sometimes traps holders. no one wants to sell, less and less interaction everyday. people are no longer coming in to transact, but coming in to hold. finance == halted.

the tax is just 1% as well. and it doesn’t go to the top holders (lock contracts and the fund/marketing reserve. devs wallet is also excluded.

Q4: With the Asian market, what do you think? Has #anglefinance team had a plan to approach Asia, especially Southeast Asia which is a potential market in crypto, there are many great teams and investors who want to work and get money from crypto?

Bryan: i think the asian market is a really huge and would help asian finance. so i would love to explore. i hope the asian market will welcome us. It’s been added to the marketing plan tho, but that plan could be stronger.

  • would help angel finance

Q5: As I know, Angel Finance is a retail investment platform, built to democratize angel investment through smart contracts and liquidity pools, are you building partnerships? who are the partners you want to invite?

Bryan: yes, but we are still in the beginning. so not a lot of things have been finalised. just the discussions have started.


Q1: Some of the projects create opportunities for community engagement as their marketing strategy. What does Angel Finance establish for its community engagement? Do you have project collaboration where community get involve? In what way will community can associate with Angel Finance project?

Bryan: yes, we would be organising bounties and small contests. nothing serious. just to create engagements. rewards will be in ANGEL. just didn’t want the regulate cliches competitions

Q2: Can you shed light on Your COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES What makes you better an ahead of your compititors in BSC ??????

Bryan: we are not trying to be better than any or every. we are simply just doing it our own way. i think that’s the beauty of the blockchain. everyone can create their interpretation of an idea. what i would want to focus on is great UX, help people invest in projects in the best way, exchange assets the best way. and help out the people that don’t have, the best way i can

Q3:♠️How do you plan to show the world that your product is not just useless blockchain solution to a non-existing problem ?

Bryan: by actually making it work i think, best way to put it. making sure we do everything we are setting out to do

Q4: Which areas are your Angel Finance projects focused on and where are you planning to expand in the near future?

Bryan: so we initially took out the prediction market idea. so we could focus on the DEX, pad & fun first. but the prediction market is still on the plans once we get those going.

Q5: There is the possibility that one of the new projects that Angel Pad exhibits is a resounding failure, what measures do you have to prevent this from happening and in what way would you help the headlines who lost their Angels to demons?

Bryan: haha angels to demons, interesting concept. we would vet the projects ourselves. and hold a decently large stake, for insurance against situations like that.



