Recap Session of Dapp list Ama held at Cryptomansion

Crypto Mansion
10 min readMay 29, 2021


Held on 29 May 2021–2PM UTC

Held at our telegram channel — CryptoMansion (

Hello All, We have recently hosted a ama session with The Dapp List. The Dapp List team was attended for the ama session. They shared a lot about the project in Details and many information about their project. Read out more about the project.


Host: Everyone welcome to our honorable AMA with The Dapp List Team

Welcome Mr. Nirbhik Jangid

Nirbhik: Hello there @Thomas23P

Host: Ready to start?

Nirbhik: yes


Host: Question 1. Can you give us a brief introduction to The Dapp List project? What protocols comprise it and what is your role in it?

Nirbhik: To put it simply, The Dapp List is formulating a multichain ecosystem for curating web3 adoption.

Here we will bridge the gap between users, developers, and ecosystem partners by providing them a common platform to interact & work together. It will make Dapps more accessible for users to engage and learn about.

Additionally, the developers can build their community, get validation for their ideas/dapps, and gain traction to develop their idea to outcome.

About my role, I am Founder & CEO of @thedapplist. I oversee business, strategy, marketing and everything else that goes around the company.

Host: Question 2. Your main objective is the adoption of Web3. Can you tell us what strategies you are using to achieve this? Why have you focused on Web3?

Nirbhik: Well, this needs to be done on multiple levels :

First is exploration — whenever you think of using something or buying something, you explore first. Exploration is the first part of user journey & it hasn’t been the best in web3’s case, definitely few loop holes there.
We’ll be correcting exploration with our Explore module which is a dapp store, making it easy for users to find out applications/projects.

Another part is education, spreading awareness about web3 and dapps that users can learn about one single place can make the journey further better. Education doesn’t just stop there — we’ll have dapp specific & industry specific educative content strategy and we’re working with the dapps that are onboarded.

Additionally, we will be integrating & working with other projects. We’ve got some integrations coming along very soon, don’t want to break the news atm. But I would definitely add some details to it 🙂

  • Wallet integrations
    - Decentralized Identity integrations
    - Data integrations
    - Analytics integrations
    - Web3 notifs
    - L1s & L2s for creating a common playground

I could add more to this, but let’s move forward. I’ll provide more details on how after.

Host: Question 3. Currently there is no synergy between communities to support, invest or build in the web3 ecosystem. How does The Dapp List plan to address this? How to achieve the right coordination to achieve the desired impact on web3?

Nirbhik: Brilliant one.

So to bring this synergy we have explore, buidl and invest module in place.

Explore is for users — can be new or crypto natives

Expore is powered with Multi-chain governance to Curate the projects. Hence in the process, it eradicates the central authority. Here the hunters are responsible for proposing dapps to the community. Then community members take the voters’ role and decide whether the dapp is worthy enough to be listed on The Dapp List platform.

Buidl is for devs — launchpad for early projects

Here we provide a platform for developers & early-stage projects who can directly connect to the community, where they can take validation on the idea, build a network with our partners to grow, & much more.

Invest is for investors, partners, founder & users

In this module, the Investors, Buidl partners, Founders, Stakers & NFT holders can get involved with dapps, work with them, contribute & become early supporters. Further democratizing the capital raise process.

In invest we’ll have DAO for better coordination & power distribution, and to keep everyone involved. We’re also working on few other type of models here.

Read more about it at

Host: Question 4. The Dapp List is driven by community governance. Do you have a governance token that makes you establish fair governance? What is the utility of this token? Can you tell us more about this?

Nirbhik: Before getting into the token, I would like to talk about Community Governance which is the core mechanism that powers our Curation. So to give you a brief we have hunters and voters who are responsible for listing a dapp. We have $WISE as our governance and utility token. It is used for:

  • Curating dapps & getting rewards in return with reputation + tokens. Reputation will be used to unlock levels & mint NFTs. Tokens will be used to provide LP, Staking LP token & then Hunt / Vote to win premium rewards on top of staking rewards.
  • Staking — Community members can stake LP tokens to earn rewards. Further, they can Hunt & Vote to maximize the rewards.
  • Token as a fee — We’ll have different opportunities to market on our platform for the listed dapps. They will have the choice to pay to in stables or pay with $WISE to unlock benefits. Token flows back into our reserves & further adding more power to the product.
  • Governance — $WISE token will be used to take part in governance & showcase your governance power in The Dapp List.
  • NFT minting — NFT that represents your reputation can be minted while locking your tokens. NFT provides you premium rewards to hunt & vote, take part in governance & support early projects. Also, NFT represents your social status on-chain.

Host: Question 5. Finally, can you tell us about your future plans? Do you have a roadmap that you can share with us so that we know what The Dapp List will accomplish in the future?

Nirbhik: We’ve been building for more than 6 months now. Improving the idea & platform, collecting more feedbacks & suggestions from community. Our efforts got a major validation when Vitalik himself talked about the same idea -

& this was when web2 platforms were rejecting major web3 apps because of their policies — they’re still doing it

Adding to that, we’ve already got 2k people registered & waiting for the V2 launch. And, we’re excited about it 🙂🥳

We recently released our Litepaper, did a pre-ido with Genesis Shards, and now it’s time for a public IDO (keep an eye on announcements and soon enough it will be followed by the V2 release. And in Q3 / Q4 we will have our buidl / invest module live which is a huge step towards uniting investors with devs and the community.

Checkout our roadmap here:

Host: Thanks for the amazing responses to this segment. Ready to get shortlisted questions from Twitter?


Q1: What does the The Dapp List name stand for? There are interesting stories behind every successful project, and of course you have to work hard ever day. Can you share one of these interesting stories with us?

Nirbhik: So, this was back in 2020 when I was building the product & receiving suggestions. At that point, we were making a clean list of dapps — buidl & invest were were in discussions.

Offering was simple to have a community curated dapps list & that brought us to dapp list. Further because it is not simple curation, we had community involved around it which is not done by any other project. Hence, ‘The’ Dapp List.

Adding to that, if you look at the start of user journey & how user / community search for blockchain dapps — we always use the keyword : List of dapps or Dapps list. This further adds more power to the search volumes & was a strategic move.

Q2: On your website, you state that project developers lack the support and networks to scale their project and certainly this is a major problem, how then does the dapp list manage to connect projects with the RIGHT communities, in relation to TASTS and INTERESTS?

Nirbhik: So this will be majorly implemented during our BUIDL module. Here devs will closely work with our integration partners and other communities plus while doing so they will be creating their own community and forming potential network connections that will help them further in their journey. Read more on BUIDL in our litepaper:

The Dapp List aims to bridge the gap between developers, investors, and the community, which are the three pillars essential in growing any dapp at scale.

Q3: With the overwhelming response of people with the thedapplist ,what is the impacts that it brings to your platform? To investors, what they can look forward for them to trust you more for a long run?

Nirbhik: We have been growing at a great pace and it has been possible with the support of the community.
Regarding trust, we are backed by great institutions and have reputed advisors onboard. Plus the core team is Ex-Polygon and from different scopes of web3 so it brings a lot of experience to the table.

Here you can learn more about our investors —

which was announced here —

Q4: Does the Dapp List have a plan to educate the community so that it can raise awareness, implement and help more people understand Dapp List easily?

Nirbhik: Yes, we do have this planned, and we have taken steps towards it. If you check our activities till now, we are doing a lot of AMA’s to first educate and fit the idea around web3 audience because they won’t require much assistance and will understand faster than a new enterant into the web3 space.

To educate new users in a fun and engaging manner, we believe that community support is our best bet. We have done quizzes and initiated an ambassador program solely focused on educating and uplifting the community and new entrants.

Furthermore, we have an educative content strategy that I firmly believe will make a significant contribution in guiding new entrants, raising awareness, and will help more people.

Q5: Regarding your reputation system, I am interested to know, how does “the dapp list” manage to qualify an action as hostile or not? And what is the minimum number of hostile actions necessary for a user to lose reputation?

Nirbhik: So, actions are qualified by community — if there’s a scam listed on the platform, anyone from community can raise a counter proposal to delist the application. If that passes, both hunter & voter lose their reputation + future rewards.
Doing any hostile action even one will be counted against the platform’s interest in protecting users and the rewards and reputation will be slashed.

Slashing for first hostile action is around 10% & it increases with each bad action.


Q1: Enlist any 2 killer features of Your Project that makes it Unique and Useful than other? Why investors should choose your project? And why they should trust your project?

Nirbhik: 2 killer modules:

Explore — Dapp Store for users powered with Community governance
Buidl — Launchpad for devs to accelerate early projects

2 killer features:

Permissionless curation
NFT as Reputation

Well we’re not new in the space, our profiles are pretty much in public domain. My previous background — Community & Growth at Polygon ( prev. Matic ), Sayli — Co-founder was Blockchain dev at Polygon. She was involved at network level, worked on bor & heimdall that power the consensys mechanism + PoS in Matic & She is an active contributor to open-source protocols like Wallet Connect.

Q2: How and WHERE can I #BUY your $token and what is the criteria? Currently, is it available on any #Exchanges???

Nirbhik: The token is not listed anywhere or traded.
Please be careful.
We’re still working on our IDO & pre-ido was with Genesis Shards. Wait for further announcements at

Q3: What is your plan to spread your understanding of the project in different countries where spoken English? Have you taken any action?

Nirbhik: Interesting — we are working with individuals / teams in different regions. We’ll be expanding our reach in Korea, China, Russia & Vietnam very soon 🙂

Our Korean community group is already in works, started by few community members —

Q4: What is the role of your project token in tokenomics and the ecosystem? Where can people buy it? What does the token do?

Nirbhik: — Curation — $WISE will be used to curate dapps & get rewarded in return with reputation + tokens. Reputation will be used to unlock levels & mint NFTs. Tokens can be used to provide LP, Stake LP token & then Hunt / Vote to win premium rewards on top of staking rewards.
- Staking — Community members can stake LP tokens to earn rewards. Further they can Hunt & Vote to maximise the rewards.
- Token as fee — We’ll have different opportunities to market on our platform for the listed dapps. They will have choice to pay to in stables or pay with $WISE to unlock discounts. Token flows back into our reserves & further adding more power to the product.
- Governance — $WISE token will be used to take part in governance & showcase your governance power in The Dapp List.
- NFT minting — NFT that represents your reputation can be minted while locking your tokens back into our reserve. NFT provides you premium rewards to hunt & vote, take part in governance & support early projects. Also, NFT represents your social status on-chain.


Q5: Is your platform suitable for Crypto beginners? Or does it only appeal to professional users??????????????

Nirbhik: Yes, our project is focused on helping & educating early / new entrants. So, effectively you don’t need any professional skills.

Give it a visit here — & our V1 —



