Recap Session of Lemur Finance Ama held at Crypto Mansion

Crypto Mansion
7 min readApr 20, 2021


Date- 19/04/21

Time- 2 PM UTC


Hello All, We have recently hosted a ama session with lemur Finance .The Lemur team was attended for the ama session. They shared a lot about the project in Details and many information about Read out more about the project.

Introduction Session

Que 1) Can you give us a brief introduction about what Lemur is about? What makes your project special and stand out from others with similar protocols?

Ans - Lemur is a project on Binance Smart Chain, we Launched on the 23rd of March 2021. $LEM is a deflationary token with automatic, frictionless yield farming. A 5% tax is applied to every transaction: 3% is locked forever in LEM/BNB liquidity and is 2% distributed to holders proportionate to their holdings. This means you get airdropped tokens just buy holding $LEM in your wallet.
Let me explain.
Frictionless Yield Farming:
There is no need to create liquidity and to provide your keys to a third party. To benefit from the token mechanics, you just need to hold $LEM tokens in your wallets and then you will receive the 2% tax distribution without paying any gas fees.
What this means is:
- No risk of impermanent loss.
- No risk of losing your funds to a malicious smart contract.
In other words, the $LEM token mechanics reward long term holders by continouslly airdropping $LEM in their wallets that come from penalizing short term speculators.
We also have the: “Hyper-Deflationary and Ever-Rising Price Floor”:
A total of 55% of the supply was burned (=sent to the dead address) at launch. This burn address (the first one on our holder list) receives an allocation of the 2% tax, the protocol effectively burns LEM tokens automatically, with an exponential increase over time. In addition the 3% liquidity tax is locked forever, essentially burning those tokens as well. These two features create hyper-deflationary pressures and an ever rising price floor for LEM.

Que 2) I am very struck by the fact that you have chosen a Lemur as the main icon and the standout of your project. What inspired you to do it? What is the story behind the name of your project?

Ans - We wanted to create a token that blends the best of the internet, that is "memable" and that is clean enough that we can partner with real world companies and foundations.

Que 3) Lemur has imposed 5% tax on transactions. What is the destination of these funds? How are they distributed? Do the users benefit in any way from these taxes?

Ans - The tax has two parts:
- 3% is sent to the burn address forever
- 2% is distributed to holders proportionate to their holdings. In other words you gain LEM just by holding and in the long term, the price floor can only go up as the supply decreases.In other words, the more you hold the more you get! All you need to do, is hold LEM in your wallet and the smart contract automatically sends you LEM in every transaction while you relax at the cocktail beach in Lemuria. It’s called frictionless yield farming;
- You don’t provide access to your coins, they stay in your wallet. They are unruggable “NOT YOUR KEYS, NOT YOUR COINS!”
- You have no risk of impermanent loss like traditional yield farming
- You don’t need to pay gas fees

Que 4) 4- One of your next objectives, according to your roadmap, is the creation of the Lemur Foundation. What exactly will this foundation be about and what problems will it address?

Ans - Yes. This has to do with our main Token philosophy. As we all know the crypto space is filled with useless and mindless tokens that do not bring any value. That is not how we function. The token in itself will benefit all holders BUT we wanted to do more. We wanted to create an ecosystem that will benefit the world. That's why our ecosystem will be targeted mainly towards benefiting foundations through our Foundation Portal and via our NFT fundraisers in which they will all have utilities to the real world.
These utilities go from: Being able to adopt a Lemur at a Lemur Reservation in Madagascar to being able to spend a few days at a honeymoon hotel in Madagascar or Italy.

Que 5) Finally, can you share with us your next objectives for 2021? What are, and will be, the advantages of becoming a Lemurians on your platform?

Ans - At this moment, we just released our second version of our website and we are about to start a marketing campaign, so in the short term anybody that joins will benefit just by the price increases.
However, if you are in it for the mid term, we will have the marketplace ready in no time and you will be able to start benefiting from being a community member and participating in the partnerships planned with the different foundations, our fundraising events for a centralized exchange and others.Yeah. In other words, there is a room for everyone: those in it for the short term and those in it for the long term. Lemuria is here to make an impact and we are changing the meme token industry by actually bringing value to it.
If you compare the market cap of LEM with similar tokens in the market WITHOUT the added value we are bringing, LEM has real potential!

  • Twitter Session

Que 1) There are many new and existing projects in the binance chain, how does LEM compete? And what LEM has any potential partners who will support LEM

Ans - The market is reaching a saturation point. What this means is that people are starting to invest smarter again and searching for value. Almost no other coin being released in the Binance Smart Chain is developing value. They are just developing pumps. We are different. Everything we do is done by real professionals in their fields. Developers. Graphic designers, artists, video game designers. All of them are respected in their fields and have decided to join us because they believe in the value we are bringing. I think it’s even hard to name 1 project on the Binance Smart Chain that is bringing added value to their token.
Exactly. All our partnerships will create a better world. It sounds cheesy, but it’s the truth. We will be open to partner with any foundation, NGO, research center in the future… as well as the hotel industry utilities. We have a unique perspective that nobody else is bringing.

Que 2) Based on the fact that they are inspired by Madagascar,I thought they wereassociated with foundationsfor wildlife but nevertheless I see that they are only storiesof NFTs.Have you thoughtabout the possibility of donations to foundations to preserve the life of endangered animals?

Ans - Yes. You have read our minds. Mainly the NFT’s will be used to raise funds for our partnerships. Almost all the money will go to them, and a small percentage to pay the artists doing the NFT’s. These NFT’s will also have different utilities, perhaps you’ll be able to adopt a Lemur, or have your name in a rescue center that will be there forever.We also thought of different utilities to give to our NFT’s. For example, we might want to raise funds to get listed in a very expensive CEX. It’s an easy way to do it that other tokens do not have. Or the hotel industry. Everything we do will not only be with partnerships, but will have real utilities in the real world.

Que 3) How is Financelemur development going? Can you describe in detail current development efforts, market expansion plans, expected applications, and when will they become commercially available?

Ans - We are about to finish the second version of our website. I believe you will see a noticeable difference with the quality it has when you compare it with the other websites in this space. Everything we do will have quality.
We will start a strong marketing campaign shortly after.

  • Telegram Session

Que 1) It caught my attention on your roadmap your nearest point; "The future of Madagascar", can you tell us more about it? What does this mean? How will this future of Madagascar be benefitial for Lemurians?

Ans - Basically there is a meme in the crypto community that is "this is the future of Finance". It turned into the future of France. And now, since Lemurs are based in Madagascar we are the future of Madagascar.
Now, this is not only a meme it's actually true. We will be partnering with Lemur foundations and research centers from Madagascar to help the Lemur species. So, everyone that is taking part in the Lemur ecosystem, will be benefiting the real world ecosystem of Lemurs.
So you see, everything we do might seem like a meme, but we are building a ecosystem that will be here even when we are not here, since anyone will be able to use our marketplace to fundraise money for charities and NGO's. We will start with the ones in Madagascar.

Que 2) How has the experience and background of your team been effective in the success of your project so far and how do you aim to revolutionize the field of blockchain and NFT?

Ans - Basically:
We are a varid team made out of experienced marketers, developers, video game designers, artists that are not interested in creating just another “token”.
All of us come from different backgrounds and are respected in the field and are leveraging our real world skills to benefit the buyers of the NFT's and our Foundation partners.
For instance, most NFT's are just cash grabs from the Crypto company. We are not interested in your cash. We want you to participate in making the world a better place by having a gateway through which you can easily participate with three clicks. And that is almost here.
Also all our NFT's are done by respected artists.
So, we are bringing value with our NFT's AND we are changing the real world. Not only a few pockets of the NFT creators. That in itself is a revolution. It will be the first link between NFT's and real world, physical utility.





